Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cheap Eat, Pray, Love Yoga Retreats Enrich Your Life, Warm Your Soul, and nourish your body

Not everyone can afford us, in Italy, India and Bali in search of our fortune, Julia Roberts as slippers, but if you look closely, you might have a yoga retreat in the vicinity which are not against the bank, but still enrich your life, to nourish your soul and body heat. For example, in the north-east of Florida, there are three very different collection, but beauty is available at affordable prices.

Amrit Yoga Institute Salt Springs, Florida, approximately 6 acres located in the Ocala NationalForest on the shores of Lake Kerr is the Institute managed by Yogi Amrit Amrit Desai. Yogi Desai offers weekend, long week, and special one-day yoga retreats and events throughout the year at the Amrit Method ® of Kripalu Yoga, which has the main objective on the spiritual, meditative side of the practice of yoga asana and laid the foundation of physical planning. On his retirement in price from about $ 295 for a weekend to $ 950 for almost a week. Some individual classes or seminars are also offeredfree. The accommodation is available on site and in most packages, the full meal.

Eat Pray Love

Ayurveda Health Retreat Center: Gainesville, Florida location, Ayurvedic Health Retreat is focused on cleaning, relaxation and rejuvenation. Throughout the year, the center offers retreats the week and weekend that Ayurvedic Panchakarma detoxification, massage and other spa treatments to help you relax and shed toxins, the practice of asanas and ayurvedic cooking classes belong. Prices varyapproximately $ 2,500 for a week, are up to $ 800 for a weekend, and some classes of Yoga for only $ 8 per class. The accommodation is available on site and in most packages and hotel are included in the zone, and meals are included.

Cheap Eat, Pray, Love Yoga Retreats Enrich Your Life, Warm Your Soul, and nourish your body

Orange Springs Retreat near Gainesville, Florida location, Orange Springs Retreat is small and large groups and custom tailored to the registration of a shelter or to accommodate your group. On 100 acres near Ocala National Forest, you can enjoy natureThe serenity, meditation or yoga or other physical activities such as canoeing, kayaking, basketball, tennis, swimming, water aerobics and walking. A cook must be given to employees for meals. Guests stay in rustic cabins. The cost for the retreat was selected about $ 695 for a week, depending on the week, selected meals and activities.

One or more of these exercises can give you Eat, Pray, Love experience at an affordable price. If you do not pick up and travel in ItalyIndia and Bali the best thing: look for a shelter in your area to find happiness and enrich your life, heal, nourish the soul and body.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love - a new gospel about climate change

This summer I've been waiting for the opening of the film Eat, Pray, Love had an expectation, which is a little 'different than my hope that Congress would find effective strategies to combat climate change. The difference? I do not think I'll be disappointed with the film to end.

I am a Christian, an environmentalist, a university professor and a pop culture junkie. And I think that the three verbs in the movie its title - Eat, Pray, Love - in a position to provide guidance for the thousands of faithful fromvarious religious traditions, which supports a religious response to global warming in three stories that took place during the summer.

Eat Pray Love

Despite the sincere prayer hall and informed, people have seen faith: (1) the failure of the Senate to the problem of climate change (2) the lack of progress in the UN climate conference, and (3) the failure of coping oil spill in the Gulf Coast to create a domestic demand for alternative energy sources.

Eat, Pray, Love - a new gospel about climate change

Since the United States68% of its oil imports, could not drive this disaster of a call for a more sustainable policy and practice? And if not, what are the next steps for people of faith whose religious beliefs motivate their actions on the environment?

In an essay titled "Jesus and the law on climate," the Rev. Peter Sawtell, CEO of Eco-Justice Ministry, the failure of Senate leadership describes climate change as a given "real shame". In the face of frustration,Sawtell turns to the Scriptures.

In Luke 17:03 Jesus calls us to reproach the offender (the legislators held responsible) and if the repentance, forgiveness. In Mark 06:11, Jesus says that if every city has refused to listen to "shake the dust on the feet," and, essentially, go elsewhere.

And here comes Julia Roberts in the film goes, it goes somewhere else. Leave the frustration of his personal life and a marriage separation (read Congress) for a spiritual epicTravel.

Communities around the country to live these three verbs - Eat, Pray, Love - without making a trip to Italy, India and Indonesia. Create daring acts of redemption, global warming in a way to understand their parishioners address: how climate change affects people and places they love. Their signals provide examples of how our collective actions in the trenches, a dynamic that transcends the actions of individuals or inaction of the legislative generateBodies.


Congregations need to literally feed the people with bread and serve millions of meals to people every week. The metaphor of eating is calling us to ask also what nourishes and strengthens us as believers. At the Church of all the people in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin grew the rear of the sanctuary for a free farmers 'market' every Sunday, with organic vegetables from the youth of the church. Across the country, St. John's United Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington took over the integrity of creationa garden of the church and buildings, energy efficient, sermons and Sunday school curriculum. People of faith can practice sustainable food in the place and the integration into a life of prayer.


Prayer is the silence that allows us to connect with God's creation The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has sparked a wave of prayer vigils from Pensacola, Fla., to Newark, NJ In his tour climate justice, integrated Prayer North Carolina Interfaith Power and Light in educationJourney to the community to know the relationship between energy and climate change. The community can inspire contemplation as a reflection of strategy and action to be used to reduce our carbon footprint.


To love our neighbor as ourselves believers for the preservation of creation awakens. The organization focuses on environmental green faith actions such as promoting energy efficiency in low-income families, green jobs and solar panels on the sanctuaries. In the State of Washington,Department of Earth brings interfaith religious leaders and legislators in a campaign for the state transition from coal to clean energy by 2015. Community of believers can model this faith in love and justice through the protection of a healthy environment for all.

These local, state and regional efforts can be a practical alternative to our current reality stalled federal leadership and effective approaches to international agreement on reducing global emissions of carbon. GlobalWarming has created a common ground for Jews, Evangelicals, Muslims, Lutherans, Baptists and Catholics. Our different religious traditions that provide the structure of the intentional community, a common moral imperative of forgiveness and redemption, and, above all, hope of things seen.

The trailer of the movie, Julia Roberts said her boss let her work for a trip: "I want to go where I can see something." The end of our story can inspire fear rather thanDisappointment. Follow the conversion of communities around the country to address climate change. Eating. Pray. Love.

This article originally appeared online in USA Today, August 10, 2010.

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