Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Writer's Workbook: Daily Exercises for the Writing Life

!1: Now is the time A Writer's Workbook: Daily Exercises for the Writing Life Order Today!

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Nov 11, 2010 22:19:21

Aspiring doctors have medical school. Karate students have belts of different colors. Pianists have scales and arpeggios. But what system do writers have for getting and staying "in shape," to help them focus, practice, and make progress?

A Writer's Workbook is Caroline Sharp's ingenious collection of exercises to inspire, encourage, warm up, and jump-start anyone who writes. A wise and funny friend who will cheerlead you through even your darkest can't-write days and "every idea I've ever had is awful" nights, she provides encouraging suggestions, hilarious observations, and an amazingly vivid catalogue of writers' neuroses (with advice on overcoming them, of course).

From "Roget's Resume" and "Emulating Ernest" to "End Well," "The Rewrite Rut," and "Dear John," the exercises in this generous, wry workbook will keep your ideas fresh, your mind open, and your pen moving.

Friends Link : ±1±: Low Price Bag Store by !: New Bathrobes

Monday, November 1, 2010

Come, reza, ama / Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia (MTI) (Spanish Edition)

!1: Now is the time Come, reza, ama / Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia (MTI) (Spanish Edition) Order Today!

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Nov 01, 2010 08:30:32

Despues de un divorcio traumatico seguido de un desengano amoroso y en plena crisis emocional y espiritual, Elizabeth Gilbert decide empezar de nuevo y emprende un largo viaje que la llevara sucesivamente a Italia, la India e Indonesia, tres escalas geograficas que se corresponden con otras tantas etapas de busqueda interior. Este libro es la bitacora de esa doble travesia, en la que la autora descubrira el placer sensual de la buena mesa y la buena conversacion (la dolce vita romana), la paz interior alcanzada mediante la meditacion en Bombay y, por fin, el deseado equilibrio entre cuerpo y espiritu en Bali. Lucida y valiente novela autobiografica que ha sido un gran exito de ventas desde su publicacion en Estados Unidos, Come, reza, ama trata de lo que ocurre cuando decidimos ser artifices de nuestra felicidad y dejamos de intentar vivir segun los modelos que nos imponen. Elegido por el New Tork Times entre los cien libros relevantes de 2006, este diario personal es tambien una intensa y divertida reflexion sobre el amor y las muchas formas que puede adoptar.

At the age of thirty-one, Gilbert moved with her husband to the suburbs of New York and began trying to get pregnant, only to realize that she wanted neither a child nor a husband. Three years later, after a protracted divorce, she embarked on a yearlong trip of recovery, with three main stops: Rome, for pleasure (mostly gustatory, with a special emphasis on gelato); an ashram outside of Mumbai, for spiritual searching; and Bali, for balancing. These destinations are all on the beaten track, but Gilbert's exuberance and her self-deprecating humor enliven the proceedings: recalling the first time she attempted to speak directly to God, she says, It was all I could do to stop myself from saying, 'I've always been a big fan of your work.

!1: Best Buy Tenia muchos deseos de leer el libro despues de que vi los previews de la pelicula, no queria gastar mucho dinero asi que ordene uno de los libros mas economicos. Tuve una gran sorpresa al recibirlo, es nuevo, esta en perfectas condiciones y la edicion es de muy buena calidad. Estoy muy conforme con mi compra y ya estoy buscando nuevos titulos para mis futuras ordenes. on Sale!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Midnights with the Mystic: A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss

!1: Now is the time Midnights with the Mystic: A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss Order Today!

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Oct 21, 2010 16:19:19

Constructed around a series of late night conversations around a camp fire between Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Vasudev on an Island in the middle of a Western North Carolina lake near her mountain home, Midnights with the Mystic is the most thorough exposition of the teachings of India's most sought after mystic. Sadhguru challenges us to embrace the possibility that to each of us is available a higher realm of reality, a peak of consciousness; an entrée into the realm of freedom and bliss. Concrete and down-to-earth, Midnights with the Mystic both provides readers with an introduction to profound spiritual teaching and a personal glimpse of a charismatic guru.

!1: Best Buy It took me a minute to get into this book... but once I did, I was totally gripped. I found the clarity and straight-forwardness of Sadhguru's words to be refreshing, and his no-nonsense approach to spirituality a welcome change. Most of all I found that I believed that he knows of what he speaks -- his words truly seem to come from experience, not from an outside source. After reading it, I found I had a new perspective that has truly improved the way I live my life. I look forward to reading more from these authors. on Sale!

Tags : !: HDTV Lcd Monitor Free Shipping !# Oil Free On Sale!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally

!1: Now is the time Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally Order Today!

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Oct 11, 2010 01:17:09

In October 2003, Patti Digh’s stepfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died 37 days later. The timeframe made an impression on her. What emerged was a commitment to ask herself every morning: What would I be doing today if I had only 37 days left to live? The answers changed her life and led to this new kind of book. Part meditation, part how-to guide, part memoir, Life is a Verb is all heart. 


Within these pages—enhanced by original artwork and wide, inviting margins ready to be written in—Digh identifies six core practices to jump-start a meaningful life: Say Yes, Trust Yourself, Slow Down, Be Generous, Speak Up, and Love More. Within this framework she supplies 37 edgy, funny, and literary life stories, each followed by a “do it now” 10-minute exercise as well as a practice to try for 37 days—and perhaps the rest of your life.

!1: Best Buy What a joy it was to hear the author speak at the June, Metro Chapter of ICF! As awesome as she is a story-teller, her gift for being a `noticer' most impresses. Every page is like a Godiva box of fine, dark-chocolate wisdom designed to touch the heart, open the mind, and encourage the appetite for more. Her talent for infusing her writing with tasty images is mind food I've never before consumed. (I was going to use "gustatory pleasure" but figured if I had to look up `gustatory' it was a word better left in the refrigerator.)

She writes on page 182 of this breath-taking analogy of learning that truly inspires me as a coach:
Physicist Hermann von Helmholtz likened knowledge to an alpine climb - when you climb a mountain, you don't go straight from the bottom to the top, you zigzag, you go around and through, eventually getting to the tip where you can see both the top and bottom and the straight line between them. When you're at the top, you can show others what Helmholtz called the "royal road." But being shown the royal road isn't learning, it's only the explanation, just as being taught to read a map isn't the same as reading one.

As a coach, my goal is not just to direct my clients along the path I've climbed. It also is not simply to help them to discover their own path, which is a laudable goal. Often, coaching is about a shared journey of discovery since we are both still climbing the mountain. At our best, my clients and I experience the reality of being one with the mountain.

Rock on!
on Sale!

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Coming of Age...All Over Again: The Ultimate Midlife Handbook

!1: Now is the time Coming of Age...All Over Again: The Ultimate Midlife Handbook Order Today!

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Sep 30, 2010 04:42:05

Best friends Kate Klimo and Buffy Shutt are prototypical baby boomer women--they've both gotten married, had kids, built their careers, and somehow managed to juggle it all. But as Kate and Buffy approached 50, they suddenly found themselves facing a whole new set of challenges for which they were surprisingly ill-prepared. Buffy suddenly lost her high-powered corporate job…and had to forge a new identity (and career) for herself. Kate's world was turned upside down when her ailing mother came to live with her family.

!1: Best Buy What a lovely book! I found reading this book to be like having lunch with two slightly older, and wiser friends. I came away with so much useful information, as well as a comforting sense of affirmation--these are things we all need to remember, things that we all go through. As a woman in my early thirties, I honestly wasn't sure how much of the book would apply to me, but I was pleasantly surprised. Topics of balancing your work/personal life, maintaining the sparkle in your marriage, and dealing with aging parents all seemed perfectly suited to things I think and worry about. I'm sure it will bear re-reading as I get older, as well. Possibly the best part of the book is that the authors strike a nice balance with the advice--it's never preachy, and their fallible examples from their own lives make sure of that. I'll definitely buy it as a gift! on Sale!

Recommend : !: Toilet Bowl Cleaner This Instant !: HDTV Lcd Order Today !: Lcd HDTV Right Now !: Shop For Kohls Bedding Sets !: Jacquard Wrap Order Now

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Weekend to Change Your Life: Find Your Authentic Self After a Lifetime of Being All Things to All People

!1: Now is the time A Weekend to Change Your Life: Find Your Authentic Self After a Lifetime of Being All Things to All People Order Today!

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Date Created :
Sep 19, 2010 11:42:37

New York Times bestselling author Joan Anderson gives women practical advice and inspiration for building creative, independent, and fulfilling lives through discovering who they truly are and who they can be.

Like Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Joan Anderson’s bestselling A Year by the Sea revealed a far larger than expected constituency, in the form of thousands of women struggling to realize their full potential. After years of focusing on the needs of others as a wife and mother, Anderson devoted a year to rediscovering herself and reinvigorating her dreams. The questions she asked herself and the insights she gained became the core of the popular weekend workshops Anderson developed to help women figure out how—after being all things to all people—they can finally become what they need to be for themselves. A Weekend to Change Your Life brings Anderson’s techniques to women everywhere, providing a step-by-step path readers can follow at their own pace.

Drawing on her own life and on the experiences of the women she meets at her workshops, Anderson shows women how to move beyond the roles they play in relationship to others and reclaim their individuality. Through illustrations and gentle instruction, she illuminates the rewards of nurturing long-neglected talents, revitalizing plans sacrificed to the demands of family life, and redefining oneself by embracing new possibilities.

Wake Up, Sister. It’s Your Turn

A full life requires cultivation. The minute we take our hands off the plow, fail to reseed, forget to fertilize, we’ve lost our crop. And yet, most women I know, while in the service of some greater good have let their very lives wilt on the vine.

Having been taught the fine art of accommodation, most of us have developed a knack for selfless behavior. We’ve dulled our personal lives while propping up everyone else’s, and we’re no longer able even to imagine having any sort of adventure, romance, meaning, or purpose for ourselves. In short, we’ve gotten way off track and taken the wrong road to self-satisfaction, foolishly thinking that after all of the doing, giving, trying, and overworking someone will offer us a reward. But Prince Charming was a bad joke and all the fairy godmothers are dead. Instead of happy ever after, most of us end up with the ache. We wake up each day with an inner gnawing, a hunger for more, a craving for an overhaul, but we are too listless, tired, or depressed to do anything about it. We have spent the greater part of our lives pouring ourselves out like a pitcher. No wonder we feel so empty. But we lack the necessary energy, a helpful roadmap, and any type of guidance and support. Well, it’s time to change all of that.

—From A Weekend to Change Your Life

!1: Best Buy Having attended three of Joan Anderson's weekends over a ten year period, I was thrilled to see that this book was available to help those who don't have the time or money to travel to Cape Cod and spend a weekend in retreat. It is also a great tune up for those who have attended retreats. But it is most of all a way to have your own retreat at home alone or with a group of friends. It is a step by step guide to understanding yourself as your life changes and through that understanding to empower yourself to make the changes you know you need so that you can become the person you really are. Especially helpful for middle aged women who have spent a life fulfilling the expectations and needs of others, this book shows you how to take the time to recognize, understand and fulfill your own wishes, needs and desires. It is an excellent step by step guide for holding your own retreat with exercises, explanations and examples from Joan and other retreaters' own stories. Take a weekend away or just do a chapter a day/week. Spend the time to find your authentic self and the happiness you deserve. on Sale!

See Also : !: 30 Lcd HDTV Best Deal !: Makeover Living Room Furniture On Sale !: Transom Windows Right Now !: 52 Lcd Hdtv

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult

!1: Now is the time Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult Order Today!

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Date Created :
Sep 08, 2010 20:00:26

In this colorful, eye-opening memoir, Jayanti Tamm offers an unforgettable glimpse into the hidden world of growing up “cult” in mainstream America. Through Jayanti’s fascinating story–the first book to chronicle Sri Chinmoy–she unmasks a leader who convinces thousands of disciples to follow him, scores of nations to dedicate monuments to him, and throngs of celebrities (Sting, Pope John Paul II, Nelson Mandela) to extol him.

When the short, bald man in flowing robes prophesizes Jayanti to be the “Chosen One,” her life is forever entwined with the charismatic guru Sri Chinmoy, who declares himself a living god. A god who performs sit-ups and push-ups in front of thousands as holy ritual, protects himself with a platoon of bodyguards, and bans books, TV, and sex. Jayanti’s unusual and increasingly bizarre childhood is spent shuttling between the ashram in Queens, New York, and her family’s outpost as “Connecticut missionaries.” On the path to enlightenment decreed by Guru, Jayanti scrubs animal cages in his illegal basement zoo, cheerleads as he weight lifts an elephant in her front yard, and trails him around the world as he pursues celebrities such as Princess Diana and Mother Teresa.

But, when her need for enlightenment is derailed by her need for boys, Jayanti risks losing everything that she has ever known, including the person that she was ordained to be. With tenderness, insight, and humor, Jayanti explores the triumphs and trauma of an insider who longs to be an outsider, her hard-won decision to finally break free, and the unique challenges she confronts as she builds a new life.

!1: Best Buy Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult is the fascinating autobiography of Jayanti Tamm's life as the chosen one of Sri Chinmoy. Until age 25, she and her entire family's life surrounded and revolved around Chinmoy and they were amongst the closest in his inner circle. In the book, Tamm writes in often raw detail about her life amongst the `Guru'.

Tamm's parents were early followers of Chinmoy, and her father ultimately became his legal counsel. Her parents joined Chinmoy in the 1970's when Eastern philosophies were becoming ubiquitous. The United States became a haven for various gurus, yogis and other spiritual teachers; from Werner Erhard's est to Chinmoy and more.

It was a long road that led to Tamm's dismay with Chinmoy, but much of it has to do with his duplicitous nature, involving publicity stunts and charades around weightlifting. In the book, Tamm writes that the stunts where Chinmoy would seemingly lift elephants, airplanes, and other massive weights were simply done via a weight-balancing device that created the illusion that Chinmoy was lifting the items. In truth, Chinmoy did little and the device barely moved. His followers were oblivious to that, and the scam is one that James Randi could have exposed in a matter of moments.

As part of his goal of creating a larger than life image, Chinmoy's followers claim that he had written 1,500 books, 115,000 poems and 20,000 songs, created 200,000 paintings and had given almost 800 peace concerts. All of that is part of the superpower myths of a guru, which was done to facilitate the representation of Chinmoy as a near deity.

Tamm writes at length how Chinmoy was obsessed with getting endorsements from politicians and celebrities. What is odd is that most politicians, entertainers and celebrities know nothing about spirituality. Chinmoy's obsession with such endorsements was clearly contradictory to what he has advocating.

Tamm was ultimately ejected from Chinmoy's inner circle a few times, in which she repeatedly begged for the Guru's forgiveness and return to his organization. That worked, but when she hit age 25, the division was so significant that she was expelled from the organization, her family forced to cease all contact with her; which in part lead to a suicide attempt. She obviously did not succeed, and did find a way back to a normal life. Ultimately, it is not clear if Tamm found self-fulfillment due to Chinmoy or in spite of him.

While Cartwheels in a Sari depicts Chinmoy as a charlatan, Tamm's writing is mature enough in that she is able to acknowledge that some of those who were searching for their own enlightenment did find it with Chinmoy. She writes that as for Sri Chinmoy himself, it took years before she finally understood that the reason she had a new and richly fulfilling life was because of him. It is that underlying tension between the good Chinmoy and the charlatan that permeates the book.

Yet even with that understanding and compassion, the final chapter of the book reads like that of Luther's posting on the Wittenberg door. Tamm writes that Chinmoy turned far too many of his followers into dependent, mindless, children. Chinmoy, while talking of highly abstract concepts of love, devotion and surrender, never created a formal system or set of moral in which his devotees could follow. She writes that he gave them no ethics, philosophy or ideas that they could integrate; rather they were left with myriad monotonous aphorisms and poems. Devotees simple become Chinmoy figurines.

Tamm's story is a strike against cults and personality figures. Chinmoy exhibited the classic signs of a cult leader, claiming hat enlightenment is his own, the inability to take criticism, acts of omnipotence with no accountability, a focus on enlightenment itself rather than teaching the path leading to it, does not practice what is preached, and much more.

The final chapter details Tamm's suicide attempt, as she felt that the entire Chinmoy experience created an empty space within her, leading to a false life in which nothing around her seemed to be true. It was at that point she saw her Guru, like the emperor, wore no clothes. Since Chinmoy was her weltanschauung, when she was kicked out of Chinmoy's sect, she felt she was left with nothing.

Tam admits her mea culpa in that she clearly broke the sect's rules. But she is incredulous in that Chinmoy could so easily expel long-term devotees such as herself as though they were expendable. In addition, all current family members had to cease any connection with such fallen figures.

Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult is compelling story, one of finding one's own identity, self-redemption, and more, and definitely worth a read.
on Sale!

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Single: The Art of Being Satisfied, Fulfilled and Independent

±1±: Now is the time Single: The Art of Being Satisfied, Fulfilled and Independent Order Today!

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Aug 28, 2010 12:45:55
Single is . . .

. . . not a condition to be cured . . . it's just as natural as being part of a couple. Its wisdom is contagious. Its message is powerful.

. . . a sometimes funny, sometimes touching, and always uplifting collection of true-life experiences and practical wisdom that helps readers celebrate their single status.

. . . a one-of-a-kind self-help book that speaks a universal language to single women everywhere.

Single is about upholding the most enduring relationship of all: the one we have with

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±1±: Best Buy I am not a single. I have a wonderful boyfriend. He loves me; he spoils me; he is caring and sensitive; he is everything a woman can dream of. The connection between me and him is great.

However, I still feel trapped inside over the past pain in my childhood. I am still struggling. I don't believe and I don't feel that a man can make me feel happy if I cannot make myself happy. I ordered this book right before I met him, but I just started to read it now because I felt bored lately. This book helped me overcome a lot of fears I had and I am still having. I mean it is so important for you to overcome those fears that hold your back and that stop you from becoming the best you can. After dealing with your emotions well, everything will become so easy!!!! on Sale!

My Links : !: Best Buy Gift Basket !: 30 Lcd HDTV Best Deal !: Great Deals Planner !: Dresses Order Now !: Yamaha Home Theater Recievers Decide Now

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

±1±: Now is the time The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest Order Today!

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Aug 17, 2010 22:30:10
The stunning third and final novel in Stieg Larsson’s internationally best-selling trilogy

Lisbeth Salander—the heart of Larsson’s two previous novels—lies in critical condition, a bullet wound to her head, in the intensive care unit of a Swedish city hospital. She’s fighting for her life in more ways than one: if and when she recovers, she’ll be taken back to Stockholm to stand trial for three murders. With the help of her friend, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, she will not only have to prove her innocence, but also identify and denounce those in authority who have allowed the vulnerable, like herself, to suffer abuse and violence. And, on her own, she will plot revenge—against the man who tried to kill her, and the corrupt government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life.

Once upon a time, she was a victim. Now Salander is fighting back.

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±1±: Best Buy I really enjoyed this trilogy and thought the 3rd book was a really strong ending to a great series. No offense to the people who didn't enjoy it...but it's not the authors fault if you are too stupid to follow the plots/characters/settings. My point is, don't listen to the people that didn't like it, because their inability to understand it seemed to be the common theme for the nay-sayers.

My advice, start with the first book. They are really great characters and plots. I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Very intelligent, interesting, and worthy of the read. on Sale!

Recommend : !: Suspenders Top Quality !: Lcd HDTV Right Now !: Order 32 HDTV !#: Bargain Sale Used Nintendo 64 Games

Friday, August 6, 2010

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Magazine (Aug 6, 2010) Julia Roberts EAT, PRAY, LOVE

±1±: Now is the time ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Magazine (Aug 6, 2010) Julia Roberts EAT, PRAY, LOVE Order Today!

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Date Created :
Aug 06, 2010 22:00:04
The Epic New Movie Starring JULIA ROBERTS: Include Her Own LOST Years & The Joy of Pizza // PLUS: Comic Con, Exclusive Photos and All the Scoops

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Friends Link : !: Purchase Traditional Design Living Room Furniture !: Mothers Detail Brush Set - 2 Pack by MOTHERS !: Dustbuster Filters Quickly !: Mens Pashmina Scarf Decide Now

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

±1±: Now is the time The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jul 27, 2010 06:34:05

Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. "The days are long, but the years are short," she realized. "Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter." In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project.

In this lively and compelling account of that year, Rubin carves out her place alongside the authors of bestselling memoirs such as Julie and Julia, The Year of Living Biblically, and Eat, Pray, Love. With humor and insight, she chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier.

Rubin didn't have the option to uproot herself, nor did she really want to; instead she focused on improving her life as it was. Each month she tackled a new set of resolutions: give proofs of love, ask for help, find more fun, keep a gratitude notebook, forget about results. She immersed herself in principles set forth by all manner of experts, from Epicurus to Thoreau to Oprah to Martin Seligman to the Dalai Lama to see what worked for her—and what didn't.

Her conclusions are sometimes surprising—she finds that money can buy happiness, when spent wisely; that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that "treating" yourself can make you feel worse; that venting bad feelings doesn't relieve them; that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference—and they range from the practical to the profound.

Written with charm and wit, The Happiness Project is illuminating yet entertaining, thought-provoking yet compulsively readable. Gretchen Rubin's passion for her subject jumps off the page, and reading just a few chapters of this book will inspire you to start your own happiness project.

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±1±: Best Buy Gretchen Rubin feels a general sense of malaise with her life, leading up to some sort of midlife crisis. Thus, she decides on a new undertaking, researching ways that she can make herself happy. She decides to work on several different resolutions, picking a new one for each month and crafting her own "splendid truths."

I really enjoyed following along Rubin's journey from January all the way until December. Most of her resolutions are ones that I wish that I had the heart to follow myself. I want to pursue my passions and be a better person by not snapping at people all the time. At the same time, there is a certain philosophical view of being happy, whether trying to measure happiness will change one's happiness somehow, or if even things and resolutions can truly lead to happiness rather than a happy moment.

At the core, though, I feel like Rubin's happiness project really tells of a story of a woman who breaks from the mold of her life and dares to try new things in order to feel better. To me, that goal is quite worthy of a year's worth of work and it has inspired me to attempt my own happiness project. I would highly recommend this book, both for the inspiration that comes out of it and for the actual memoir itself. Rubin writes well and I find it interesting to read about her life and the changes that happen through her happiness project. on Sale!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Drink, Play, F@#k: One Man's Search for Anything Across Ireland, Las Vegas, and Thailand

±1±: Now is the time Drink, Play, F@#k: One Man's Search for Anything Across Ireland, Las Vegas, and Thailand Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jul 16, 2010 10:21:04
In Drink, Play, F@#k Bob Sullivan, a jilted husband, sets off to explore the world, experience a meaningful connection with the divine, and rediscover his passion. His travels lead him from his home in New York City to a drinking bender across Ireland, through the glitz and glamour that is Las Vegas, and to the hedonistic pleasure palaces of Thailand. After a lifetime of playing it safe, Mr. Sullivan finally follows his heart and lives out everyone's deepest fantasies. For who among us hasn't dreamed of standing stark naked, head upturned, and mouth agape beneath a cascading torrent of Guinness Stout? What could be more exhilarating than losing every penny you have because Charlie Weiss went for a meaningless last-second field goal? And what sensate creature could ever doubt that the greatest pleasure known to man can be found in a leaky bamboo shack filled with glassy-eyed, bruised Asian hookers? Bob Sullivan has a lot to teach us about life. Let's just pray we have the wisdom to put aside our preconceptions and listen. Because what Bob Sullivan finds isn't at all what he expected.

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±1±: Best Buy This book is for those who tried to make it through the Find Yourself Midlife Crisis porn that was "Eat Pray Love" aka EPL and finally threw it against the wall after gagging repeatedly.

EPL was practially begging to be spoofed and Gottlieb does a fine job of it. I'm guessing the only reason why his book has not been made into a film by now is that there might be some legal issues due to his spoofing EPL?

I'm a woman by the way.

on Sale!

See Also : !: Kama Sutra Immediately !: 42 Lcd Tv Review !: Catalog Red Living Room Furniture !: Illegal Loc on Ipad Symbol or Bufgp Symbol !: Buy Turn Signal

Monday, July 5, 2010

Naughty Boyfriends

±1±: Now is the time Naughty Boyfriends Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jul 05, 2010 14:19:13
Jade thought she had it all: a hunky mate, beautiful children, a great job and her just-completed dream house. Then it all disappeared. Single and alone for the first time in two decades, Jade suddenly finds herself ready to live the life that she missed in her 20s. She moves to San Francisco to search for her soul mate and meets eligible bachelors everywhere. There's the financial wizard who wants to buy her house and keep her in the bargain. There's the college student whose favorite movie is "The Graduate." There's the gorgeous Brit who strides through life like an adventure and somehow forgets to mention his wife. And what happens when two dates show up at the same party? Finally, Jade thinks she meets Mr. Right: Sweet, sexy, kind, but haunted by a secret problem that threatens to sweep Jade into its deadly vortex. After a long line of bad boyfriends, Jade wakes up to the Naughtiest boyfriend of all!

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±1±: Best Buy Although a work of "fiction," Naughty Boyfriends sounds uncannily honest, and I would not be surprised if it were all true. The book reveals what happens when a smart, attractive woman goes through "life" with a gaping hole in her soul. Utter confusion of desire/wantingness versus true love and happiness. We all hear about how we are made up of the mind, body, and spirit. Well Jade has the mind, the body, but completely misses the essence of her spirit (as do many of us). The result is one empty romp after another, a victim of her own "beauty" and "intelligence."

Jade's story shows how tenacious the human ego is, and how it has to plummet to the depths of despair in order to finally surrender to God (and by grace and good fortune she does). Therefore, Jade is also all of us when run by our own egos and selfish desires. In my opinion, Naughty Boyfriends is just an intro to a Life that has just begun! And of course, the words she finds on a bench overlooking the San Francisco Bay gives us just a glimpse of what we are to realize along with her:

"But I've moved on
So, enjoy it all with me." on Sale!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Help

±1±: Now is the time The Help Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jun 24, 2010 23:35:55
Three ordinary women are about to take one extraordinary step.

Twenty-two-year-old Skeeter has just returned home after graduating from Ole Miss. She may have a degree, but it is 1962, Mississippi, and her mother will not be happy till Skeeter has a ring on her finger. Skeeter would normally find solace with her beloved maid Constantine, the woman who raised her, but Constantine has disappeared and no one will tell Skeeter where she has gone.

Aibileen is a black maid, a wise, regal woman raising her seventeenth white child. Something has shifted inside her after the loss of her own son, who died while his bosses looked the other way. She is devoted to the little girl she looks after, though she knows both their hearts may be broken.

Minny, Aibileen’s best friend, is short, fat, and perhaps the sassiest woman in Mississippi. She can cook like nobody’s business, but she can’t mind her tongue, so she’s lost yet another job. Minny finally finds a position working for someone too new to town to know her reputation. But her new boss has secrets of her own.

Seemingly as different from one another as can be, these women will nonetheless come together for a clandestine project that will put them all at risk. And why? Because they are suffocating within the lines that define their town and their times. And sometimes lines are made to be crossed.

In pitch-perfect voices, Kathryn Stockett creates three extraordinary women whose determination to start a movement of their own forever changes a town, and the way women—mothers, daughters, caregivers, friends—view one another. A deeply moving novel filled with poignancy, humor, and hope, The Help is a timeless and universal story about the lines we abide by, and the ones we don’t.

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±1±: Best Buy I purchased this book on CDs for my father because one of his doctors recommended he read it. He is 85 years old and absolutely loved it. When he was a young boy they had a lady who "helped" them around the house and this book brought back many fond memories of that time in his life. He listened to the book in just a few days. This book will take you to another place in time. on Sale!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

±1±: Now is the time Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jun 16, 2010 06:00:12
This beautifully written, heartfelt memoir touched a nerve among both readers and reviewers. Elizabeth Gilbert tells how she made the difficult choice to leave behind all the trappings of modern American success (marriage, house in the country, career) and find, instead, what she truly wanted from life. Setting out for a year to study three different aspects of her nature amid three different cultures, Gilbert explored the art of pleasure in Italy and the art of devotion in India, and then a balance between the two on the Indonesian island of Bali. By turns rapturous and rueful, this wise and funny author (whom Booklist calls "Anne Lamott’s hip, yoga- practicing, footloose younger sister") is poised to garner yet more adoring fans.

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±1±: Best Buy Reading a lot of these reviews I detect more than a little JEALOUSLY AND ENVY. I admit when I first started reading this book I felt a bit of it as well. However, once I got the section on prayer, the book was very moving and actually made me think a lot about God/the infinite/the universe.

So stop whining. No one made you read the book. Are you so self-centered and judgemental that you can't appreciate another's personality and quirky charm? Yes she is self-centered. And yes, many of us are SPAZZES. What's wrong with people these days???? So much anger. Perhaps halting your holier-than-thou attitude might help some. Sure most of us can't all afford to travel for a year and look for our authentic selves. But don't be so peevish about it. on Sale!

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